My 1st Vacation- Road Trip!

Something to Make You Smile

Born to handjive! Lol
Mr Sandman
My heart ❤️
And it went like this….

I Got A New “I” Pad!

Zzzzzzzzz!! G’night folks!

Me snoozing & my super cool crinkly denim bag!

My interactive crinkly bed-toy

Dear Diary!

It’s such exciting news that I just have to share! It been super cold and frigid temps here in Michigan! That Winter Storm “Jaden”, has brought temperatures of -12 and wind chill warnings of -40 !! Isn’t that crazy?? I feel sorry for any outdoor kitties who don’t have a warm bed to sleep in especially now!

Speaking of beds… I just got the first bed that I’ve ever really loved and actually like to sleep inside of. It looks like a fuzzy mouse and it’s all Crinkly inside! I’m calling it my new “I” Pad! It belongs to me, myself & “I” and it’s my new pad! So therefore it’s an “I” Pad! Baaahhaaahaaa!! Wellll, okay, so humor isn’t my best trait?? You can’t have it all. I mean, I lve got the brains and the beauty! If I’m a bit deficient in the “catmedian” department??? I can’t have it all! Mol..(Meow out loud)…maybe I shall leave the jokes to the Siamese or the orange “Tabbys”? They’re a funny sort of kitty (like Morris, remember “Morris” the cat on TV commercials?) ! I’ll share a picture with you today so you can see how cool it is!!

So yes, I got the new bed and for Christmas, Santa Paws brought me an interactive crinkly round sort of bed (from Pet Links)! I can curl up in it and play in and with it! I really like it! It came with 2 little mice that I also enjoy tossing around a bit! I may be going in 9 years old this July of 2019; but I still love to play!

I used to always be a bit OCD; and I licked plastic bags that my Meowmy put down for me because I enjoyed laying on them too! So I guess that hurt my mouth and gave me bad sores when I licked on the plastic bags! So now my Pawrents also got me a crinkly denim and burlap bag!! I have so much cool , new stuff that I don’t even know what to do?? I just take turns! Oh oh ohhhh!!! I almost forgot to share that I also got a cool crinkly but foldable (for traveling) goldfish bed too! It’s great for tossing in a suitcase or something like that?

Anyways, I’m doing really well and I hope that you are too! I still am enjoying those “Sheba” sticks treats & now my new beds! Here are the photos I promised! (Goldfish one next time because it’s in the basement and I just don’t feel like going down the basement to get it just so I can show you!!

Sending love and kitty cat snuggles!!

Love, Luna Skye!

Just me “Tugging”!

Just regal me!!

Beautiful Me!

It’s Been Awhile!

Hello Furriends!

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve been here because I’ve just been a lazy cat! You know how it is, chasing little lady bugs and eating, sleeping & just trying to look purrrrty for everyone; is a job in & of itself! I’ve been doing just those things and it’s full time!

No, honestly I’m thinking my Meowmy must’ve just been super busy? She has to allow me my computer time ya know? She was sick a lot since August also! But I’m baaack! I’m here to stay and very happy to see new followers! Thank you so much! I’ll try to share my most interesting stories with you!

Do you remember how I started life out in an abusive home? I’ve never enjoyed food and I don’t love wet food like most kitty’s. I have never liked treats either! Something must’ve happened to me that I don’t remember? I do know that I was in a hoarders home and I was abused, though….the first 1 1/2 years of my Little life! But then I found my pawrents! Everything has been so much better since we found each other! But, still… my Meowmy has tried so many different treats and she’s just wasted money after money because I don’t like any treats! I never have!!

Wellll until now!! Meowmy finally hit the “jackpot”, and she finally found some treats that I like! But…..then ……now I have totally stopped eating wet food of even the best kinds!! But she got me a special kind of treat stick called “Sheeba”! She breaks it in half and gives me 2 halves each day now! I get really excited and I cannot wait for them to eat breakfast! I get one snack then and one snack later in the evening! I’m not sure why she’s so excited? But I sure am happy!! I even play with the treat a little bit before eating it!! MOL…(do you know that “MOL” is “Meow out loud”? ) … ohhh and there’s another treat that they found for me and I cannot even believe that I also like the little pieces of real tuna and real salmon! I cannot remember the brand name of those? But I’ll tell you the next time we hang out together, OK?

Well, I just wanted to share the great news about Miss Finicky, me, actually eating & enjoying treats for about the past 2 months or so? I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!!!? But you can still teach a smart, (almost 8 year old) cat, to like treats!!! After years of my forever not liking them, I really do!

Thank you so much for your Friendship and your patience (& most of all for following me/is/,! I love you 💕 so much! You are Pawsome!! 🤟🏼🦋

Dear Diary, It’s All Up To Me!

Dear Diary,

I know that I can be all stuck up and everything……but I can be in your face kind of cute, too! I can’t decide if I get lonely sometimes or if I enjoy ruling the roost? I mean, sure, I think about it but then I don’t know what I want? I just kind of like my life the way it is. Sometimes my “people” talk about getting another kitty or even a dog!  I’m just not quite sure what I want? I remember at my foster home, they had 3 little girls that I used to sleep with. You couldn’t tell them apart!! They all looked exactly like the other!! They were all 3 the same age and they were little, but not so little that I was afraid of them! That home had 4 furry creatures lurking around that barked a lot! They had several other furry beauties that looked more like me, but not quite as beautiful of course.  We all got along pretty well! I’m just not sure what I want for now bcz I really like my life the way it is!!!

I do wish my Meommy would feel better, though; because she’s my person! I mostly sit and sun myself in the window seat or In my brand new delux ginormous kitty tree! I do my kitty “yoga” (a kitty’s  gotta stay fit, ya know??).  I also run around up and down the stairs chasing my “baby” and toss it up in the air!!  All the while I’m keeping Meommy & daddy awake sometimes during the night.   You see, my “baby” is the first toy that I ever got, here at my “new” forever home. I love to play, and gosh I am already going to be 7 years old on July 28, 2017!! I know I’m just a young lil’ thing!!!

Do any of you kitties have a “Meommy” that doesn’t feel well often, like mine?  I still like to truly take care of my needs and then my wants.  But then whenever I feel like it, I can jump up into Meoemmy’s lap or her chair to give & get some good cuddles! I must try to remember to do that more often because it really does feel nice!  I know she likes it too because her mouth curls up all funny and she starts petting me! I do love that I must say!!

So I guess I have two things to tell you all, today! The first, is that even though you think you’re getting a “furrriend” for your fur baby…… NOPE…it’s for you!  I’m just sayin’! I’m good either way, but I’m pretty sure I would just tolerate it for your sake! The other thing that I want to tell the other fur babies is this: you need to try and be a little cognizant of your people and how much they love you! I know mine love me so much! So in saying that, lets all try to be just a bit more loving & cuddly, OK??  I mean they do feed us (yes, I do know they sometimes try to clothe us…ugggh thank goodness I don’t have to deal with that! I pity those of you who do!!)….and if your people are anything like mine, I get spoiled! So, OK….so they have to feed us! But I must give my people a little bit of credit because I get the best of the best food and the put my water bowl in the freezer so that my water is icy chilled and so yummy! I also just have to jump up in the counter top, by the big water bowl; and they turn on the never ending water that I ❤️ love! It’s so delicious…yummmm!

I got a little off track, as usual.  But what I really wanted to tell you was just give more kitty love!!  They just eat it up and then it’s really sooooo good for us too! Don’t tell them that…shhhh!! Ok??? So go jump up on your Meommy or daddy’s lap & give some great eye kisses, the kind that say “I love you!” Then rest awhile by using their body for the warmth that we all love! Go on now….shooo!!!! Yes, you… get up and give some love!! Bye now!! See you next time that I feel like saying something!!

Love, Luna Skye

Above is Meeee inside of a bag, a very cool bag!

This is me resting my weary head on my “baby”! Remember my favorite toy? The one that I toss into the air and make all kinds of noise with!!

Bye for now Luvs!!

Headbutts & Purrs


Dear Diary,

I just don’t know if my pawrents know how lucky they are that they “got” me for life?? I am the best kitty cat in the whole world.  Of course I only give hugs and love when “I” want to and I don’t like any kind of treats and barely even like food at all. Im a bit goofy that way.  I was hurt and abused when I was a kitten and my mommy and daddy now (for the past 4 years) don’t really know everything that I endured for my first year and half of life.  I was in the hospital and then foster care after that for 6 months because I was so very thin and sick. I had every parasite and illness possible, just about.   The foster mommy and daddy were nice and they had triplets that were age 11.  I used to sleep with the girls. They let me keep my 2 kittens until I got adopted first, because I was such a good mommy.  I remember them and they were sweet babies and looked just like me! My forever mommy has one photo of them after they’d been into some mischief and had gotten into fireplace soot! They are white cats just like me, but they looked like black kittens! MOL…(Do you know “MOL”??? It is just like “LOL” but in Cat speak….so it is saying “Meow out loud”…get it??)

So I’m going on 7 years old this Summer and I’ve started to play like a kitten again. Mommy and daddy are so excited that I’m “into” playing again. I don’t like bought toys or conventional things. I prefer to chase a piece of string that they have tied to a plastic rod and it has a ton of knots in it. I LOVE LOVE to chew on knots!  I know I’m so silly! I am the weirdest cat in that I don’t like wet food.  Most cats run when they smell the moist, wet food come out.  Mommy tries every now and again, to get me to eat the wet food. So once in awhile I devour a little few bites of “Natural Balance Salmon and green pea limited ingredient” wet cat food.  But mostly I just like a dry food mixture of the “Natural Balance limited ingredient, Salmon and green pea and Chicken and green pea” dry food. Sometimes I do like to sniff around when Mommy is making Tuna salad sandwiches. She gives me just a couple of “pinches” of the tuna and I really do love that.  But even then, I walk away after a pinch or two!

I must say that I am such a good girl! I’m so pretty and sleek and actually pretty gorgeous! But I’m not conceited at all! I think that I’m the most precious, smartest and best behaved kitty ever! But again, I’m not conceited at all. I think My mommy is going to post a video tape of me playing with my string knots that I love to chew and gnaw on. The weirdest thing, or another odd thing about me, is that I don’t like conventional toys either! MOL….I like the ones daddy makes for me but I don’t like or prefer “store bought” toys.  For Halloween, Mommy got me some “kitty YODA ears” to wear. I was NOT having any of that. I am a CAT and I will not be lowered to wear any kind of “ears” other than my own! Besides, it’s my mommy and daddy’s job to please me, in life….right? In the long run, by them pleasing me…..It makes them happy, so I let them please me pretty much whenever they want…MOL….


Have a great day everyone and come back to my Kitty Cat Diaries again…see what I’m up to! Sending lots of headbutts, purrs and Kitty LOVE!

Cat Scouts and Happy New Year!


Dear Kitty Cat Diary…

Gosh I’m so sorry that it’s been such a very long time since I’ve written here to you. I am a very busy kitty and I have so much to do you know? I have to lay in the sun and sit on my kitty tree…..and then there’s napping, tugging and chasing little bugs wherever I can find them. If I cannot find them, I manufacture them in my mind.  No, really….it’s true! I think my mommy thinks I’m crazy because when I get really bored, I try to give her the creeps and scare her. It’s really fun late at night when daddy is already asleep and mommy is up watching TV or playing online.  I stare at the wall near our front door and I totally freak her out as I stare and then jump at the wall as if something is really inside of it. Honestly, nothing is inside of the wall because they’ve checked and double checked. Daddy says there’s probably squirrels on the porch that are making me a little frisky late at night.

So we just finished Christmas with that time of the year when they put a tree right in the middle of the house!  I love to get up into the middle of that tree and pull stuff down, especially the tree itself! But then, they go and get this stinky spray and it makes me run away and stay far away from that thing. Then we have that day when everyone comes over and I’m not your social butterfly, honestly. You think I’m pretty friendly here, because this is where I write my fun thoughts and all the stuff that happens to me.   I am very friendly, loving and a very good girl; but I just don’t like excitement or a whole bunch of people around. I especially only like children from a distance! I love to be “Angel Kitty Luna” and send the sick children letters, photos and fun little toys to cheer them. But the kids that come around here are really small and super loud; in fact they scream very very loudly! When they come over, I run and hide under the bed….MOL.

I love the holidays because daddy is home for a long time and then mommy and daddy stay up late with me. They stay home often and I get lots of snuggles. I’m not your normal snuggly kind of feline. I do not enjoy being picked up and hugged but I don’t mind hugs and kisses if I pick the time and place.  Most of all I like to lay in my mommy’s lap and sleep all cuddled up….but….only when I CHOOSE to do so! She would like me to sleep on her all the time but I like to be picky about the timing of my snuggles. I also have a little trick that I like to do. When they pick up their keys to go out the door, I jump onto the counter top and start licking the water faucet. I think they’ve got my “number” now though! They have started to turn on the water before they go out, as they are putting on their coats, shoes etc. I had them going for awhile though! I used to make them late for everything and put off their time of leaving me alone. I put off the feeling that I am a “loner” but I truly am a lover and don’t tell anyone, but I really do like to cuddle on my mommy!

Well, 2017 is just around the corner! I cannot believe I will be 7 years old this coming July 25th! I have been here with my pawrents for 4 years on January 29th!  I know that everyone is supposed to have something for the “New Year”, some kind of resolution or something they are going to do differently.  Well, I’ve decided to join a Cat group! How about that? It is called “Cat Scouts” and it is at “” and I am excited about it. I actually joined awhile back, but have not really become a full member until just today. Mommy got me my own profile page and joined some groups for me today. We even put some pictures up and I’ve made a few new furriends! I’m pretty excited about being a “Cat Scout”. So I will let you know how it goes! I really hope that it doesn’t go like most New Year’s resolutions go….and that means…by the wayside!! MOL…noooooo way….My mommy is a fun one and we will do lots with the Cat Scouts! So “HAPPY NEW YEAR” to all of you, my special furriends who come here to visit me. I will try to write more often and I’m sorry that it has been so long between posts this time. We will do better and I will get my mommy to come here and let you know what’s going on with me more often.  Loads of Kitty love to you all!!! Come back and see me again soon!

imagePhoto Dec 25, 6 52 33 PM.jpg


Little White Kitty Goes To Vet ER

You know when you get a new family and things go great for 4 years you build up sort of a trust, right? Well my meowmy. (“Meowmy” is Mommy in Cat) and daddy  let me down yesterday! It may take awhile to thoroughly trust them again!

It all started the night before last, when my meowmy was petting me and then petted my head and then my chin! I liked it so much I was “in Heaven”! She saw a sore on my upper left lip! It was sort of like what humans call a “kanker sore”. Of course like she always does, Meowmy freaked out! She called daddy and then of course all I wanted was to get away!

The next day meowmy had to go to the hospital for some tests. They got home and I greeted them like usual but they acted all upset and worried! Even daddy got worried, I could see it in his face! I heard them say that my voice sounded unlike me! They were right though, I could barely get a sound out and I kinda just crackled my “Meows”! 

Uh oh! Here it was coming! That box they TOSS me into when I go to the animal Dr. Place! First we went into that big 4 wheeled box that’s very loud! I smelled something familiar in the air as we went out the house door into that box on 4 wheels! It was the smell of sweet sunshine,good bugs and chasing other kitties through the meadow! I remember that smell! But back then, I was very sick and vulnerable! Now Im “queen” of the home and I have 3 cat trees, a bay window and another window box seat! I can look out the window at the world and still be safe, loved and fed!!

Ok back to the story! That smell of sweet fresh air went to my head for a moment! So we are going along “bumpity bump bump” and we stop at an unfamiliar Dr. Shop? Hey, where my Dr. Hott? He’s My Dr and I know him. I like the pretty girls there and they’re nice to me! Why am I someplace different today!! Well I did hear mommy through her tears, say that Dr Hott went on something you called a “Vacation”?? Hmmm well, I guess I had to put on my brave girl face and see what was gonna go down ! We got inside “VES”, or “Veterinary Emergency services”. The lady was nice and then I went into this cold room! They wanted me out of my little carrier! My goodness what do these people want from me? Just a few minutes ago they were dragging me into this thing, now they want me out?? Uggh… So what do they do?? The started tipping it upsides down with a gentle shake! I was holding on for dear life! All paws on the little cage bars so I could hold on better! Then I heard my meowmy’s loving voice telling me to “C’mon Luna, it’s OK honey, come out.” Then she said the magic words “Nobody’s gonna hurt you !” So I finally let go, but not until I really wanted to!!

Then this lady, who definitely was not my Dr. Hott, started poking me and prodding me! She violated me with that temperature thing and I gave her a good warning hiss for that one!! But she listened to my breathing and my temp was fine! Then she told my pawrents that I likely had a virus or some of my regular pesky allergies! I guess she didn’t want that little Kanker sore to become infected so she gave me some antibiotics that look like they’re for horses not little white kitty cats!!!

So what’d she do?? She sends her troops in to shoot this horse pill down my throat with a small “rocket launcher”!! This lady then explains to my pawrents how to use this and tells them that they must do this for 8 days! Omg!… For 8 days I’m gonna be gagging these big huge pills??

 Well I was happy with what happened next! They opened the door to my mini travel cage and I literally ran into it and curled up into a little fur ball! I’m going home! Yayyyyy!!! So I allowed my pawrents to pay the VES at least a hundred U.S. Dollars and then we got to leave in the big box with four wheels!! We got home and I was never so glad to be home!!! 

Please pray that this is all I have! Because I heard the lady in the the white coat say that I need to go see my Vet, Dr. Hott, in a week. When he’s back from his time off! She wants to make sure there’s no underlying illness or reason for my funny hoarse voice and the ulcer or kanker sore in my mouth! Please pray that all goes well because my meowmy will be very very sad if anything happens to me! I just dont think either of us can handle that! I just wanna keep on catching bugs and lying in the sun !! 

Thank you for stopping by “The Kitty Cat Diaries!”….until next time take care of your fur babies!!!

Love, Luna Skye

Ps: do you know that Im a celebrity!??  I’m a chemo angel kitty and I help cheer up little children who have cancer or who are gong through chemo! My Facebook page is called “Angel Kitty Luna Skye”! Go and find my page and see my pictures and make sure you click “LIKE” on my page there, ok? Thank you !!