It’s Been Awhile!

Hello Furriends!

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve been here because I’ve just been a lazy cat! You know how it is, chasing little lady bugs and eating, sleeping & just trying to look purrrrty for everyone; is a job in & of itself! I’ve been doing just those things and it’s full time!

No, honestly I’m thinking my Meowmy must’ve just been super busy? She has to allow me my computer time ya know? She was sick a lot since August also! But I’m baaack! I’m here to stay and very happy to see new followers! Thank you so much! I’ll try to share my most interesting stories with you!

Do you remember how I started life out in an abusive home? I’ve never enjoyed food and I don’t love wet food like most kitty’s. I have never liked treats either! Something must’ve happened to me that I don’t remember? I do know that I was in a hoarders home and I was abused, though….the first 1 1/2 years of my Little life! But then I found my pawrents! Everything has been so much better since we found each other! But, still… my Meowmy has tried so many different treats and she’s just wasted money after money because I don’t like any treats! I never have!!

Wellll until now!! Meowmy finally hit the “jackpot”, and she finally found some treats that I like! But…..then ……now I have totally stopped eating wet food of even the best kinds!! But she got me a special kind of treat stick called “Sheeba”! She breaks it in half and gives me 2 halves each day now! I get really excited and I cannot wait for them to eat breakfast! I get one snack then and one snack later in the evening! I’m not sure why she’s so excited? But I sure am happy!! I even play with the treat a little bit before eating it!! MOL…(do you know that “MOL” is “Meow out loud”? ) … ohhh and there’s another treat that they found for me and I cannot even believe that I also like the little pieces of real tuna and real salmon! I cannot remember the brand name of those? But I’ll tell you the next time we hang out together, OK?

Well, I just wanted to share the great news about Miss Finicky, me, actually eating & enjoying treats for about the past 2 months or so? I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!!!? But you can still teach a smart, (almost 8 year old) cat, to like treats!!! After years of my forever not liking them, I really do!

Thank you so much for your Friendship and your patience (& most of all for following me/is/,! I love you 💕 so much! You are Pawsome!! 🤟🏼🦋

Licky, Licky…

Photo Sep 17, 2 40 28 AMPhoto Sep 16, 9 15 34 AM

Hey,…does anyone remember those “Ramona” books from a looong time ago?? Well, my momma used to read them when she was a little girl. The family in that book had a kitty cat that they named “Picky Picky”!  Sometimes I think that should have been my name because I am so very picky about what I won’t eat…or what I will eat…which is absolutely nothing except one kind of food. If Natural Balance ever goes out of business, I’m in trouble because I will NOT …and I repeat…I WILL NOT eat anything except that kind of dry food and it must be “Salmon and green pea limited ingredients” aaaaand/oooor  a mixture there of   ….of that and also the “Chicken and Green Pea formula limted ingredients! I just must be or I refuse to eat! Now….once in awhile I will eat the Salmon wet canned food from “Natural Balance” too. But it MUST and I repeat…it MUST be mixed with just the right temperature and right amount of water and be mixed up like Mommy  does it, with a spoon (my own special kitty spoon too!).  If it is : Lumpy, bumpy, chunky or too hot or too cold, I will NOT eat it. If it is Chicken, or Duck or anything but Salmon, I will not eat it either. I like what I like and don’t call me “finicky”!! Mommy tries to sneak a “Natural Balance” “treat” (dry kind) into my dry food, but I hunt it down and kick it right out of that food dish! I’m so good at being a huntress!

So now comes the dilemma because Momma let me try a bite of REAL people food Canned light tuna in water! She almost fainted because this was something that I finally liked! She has NEVER seen me like any food whatsoever or get really excited about it. I was abused and starved and very sick when someone found me and I had to go to Foster care for 6 mos to get well! Finally I got well and no  one told my mommy that I was a cat with good taste only (she says that bad word I don’t like …you know?..”Finicky”…but thats not ME!!)… I just know what I like and I only eat what I like and thats how it is. For crying out loud, I’m a CAT and this is what we do! Sooo why do you think Ramona named her cat “Picky Picky??”

My mommy let me try that Tuna and I went nutty because it was so good and I really love it. But she doesn’t think it’s good enough food for me and she read that it shouldn’t be an everyday type of thing, sadly for me :(***    But every once in awhile on  special occasions, I get to have a bit of Tuna. That makes me so happy and then when a little bit drops on the floor, I just start licking the floor like mad…..over and over and over and over again…just licking and licking and licking the floor!! Hence, the name of todays blog post “Licky Licky” because that’s my mommy and daddy’s new nickname for me…just purrrrrrfect, right??? MOL…..(do you know “MOL”??? It means “Meow out loud” just for those of you who are not cat computer saavvy”…)….

So My mommy is very happy that the Fall air is back in season. Do you wanna know why? Well, if you don’t or if you do, this is irrelevant because I’m the kitty and I’m going to tell you anyways!!  She loves the colder weather only because I like to get up on her lap and cuddle now again. During the Summer months, even though we have AC, I just don’t like that human contact so much as I like lounging in the sun spots on the floor or sleeping in my kitty window seat! But when the weather starts to get more chilly in the mornings and such, this is when I get up on her and she keeps me warm. At least she’s good for know how those humans are!! They are put on this earth for my pleasure and that’s about it….or …well… the only reason I can think of right now anyways??!! So she keeps me warm and I cuddle and keep her warm and we just like to hunker down and snooze alot more. Of Course my most favorite thing to do is to get up on mommy when she’s just about ready to get up and get ready to go someplace. She lOVES me so much that she stays there and sits longer just to cuddle with me and then I make her late…ha ha ha …Baaahaaahaaa!! I’m such a little dickens…right??

I do like it when daddy comes home because he likes to play “fetch” with me. Like..well..he thinks I’m a dog or something, right?? He throws me this toy ball and I let him think that I’m gonna go for it. I put my little butt up in the air and I wiggle and waggle and then he throws it out there and I run, run, run realllllllllllllllllllly fast and I go past it and then I lay down! He thinks that is funny or fun for some reason, so I humor him! But I refuse to actually “fetch” as I am the species above all of that! Its for the dogs! Well, lastly….did you know that in my house they have at least 4 kitty beds for me? I use one of them in the basement during the Summer sometimes, but I never use any of the other 3 kitty beds!! Why should I? I like to sleep in little tiny patches of sunshine on the carpeted floor. I also like to sleep up on the mantle above the fireplace and up on the little 1/2 wall by the front door and living room area. See?? I have lots of great places to sleep, who needs a silly “cat bed”!

So anyways….I’ve got to go now because I think I smell some Tuna coming my way….but if worse comes to worse, I’ll just keep licking the floor wherever a drop spills over! I enjoy licking plastic bags too…but that’s a story for another day! Oh, by the way, if you do give your kitty cat plastic bags, be sure to cut the handles so we don’t get our little heads stuck in there and get hurt or even worse could happen especially if you’re not home!! Sending loads of Kitty Love your way…..Hey, don’t forget to check out my Facebook page at “Angel Kitty Luna Skye” (because I’m kind of a “celebrity” pet) and you can check out my  own Instagram at :  LunaSkye_kitty  and my very own Twitter account at : @Luna_Skye_kitty ……Bye for now…come back again….Tootles…Angel Kitty Luna..

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